Return to Mysterious Island 2


18 votes

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From Indiegala
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“Stitching up Mina’s cut is guaranteed to be one of the more memorable inventory puzzle solutions ever, and chasing off a prowling jaguar is always satisfying.”

70% – Adventure Gamers

“The graphics are beautifully done. Small animations provide an ambiance that feels authentic. The outdoor settings are lush, detailed, and beautifully lit. At times my eyes almost hurt from the brightness of the sun as I panned toward it.”

79% – Game Boomers

“Return to Mysterious Island 2: Mina's Fate is a decent experience and a great example of good storytelling in a rich atmosphere.”

80% – Adventure Classic Gaming


Mina’s rescue from the end of the first game is cut dramatically short and she and primate pal Jep are left again on the mysterious island to fend for themselves! Mina needs to dress her wounds and keep safe against the local wildlife, but now she has the assistance of the player controlled Jep who can fit in smaller spaces, move deftly through the jungle and even communicate with other animals in their bid to survive. Using even more combinations of items throughout the island, Mina and Jep will need to recover from their traumatic circumstances and find another way, any way, off the mysterious island!

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